EOSex – Semi-Decentralized Exchange for EOS Community

EOSex – Semi-Decentralized Exchange for EOS Community

As an early and enthusiastic supporter of the EOS platform, the EOSex venture crew registered the area name, www.EOSex.com, method again in 2017 in anticipation of the coming explosive increase within the EOS ecosystem. Now, with EOS already off and running, the EOSex has also successfully long gone live! The EOSex crew members contain stable experts from throughout the fields of blockchain, finance, IT, and law, and are backed by way of means of well-respected heavyweight blockchain investors (such as Broad Harvest Capital) who’ve all come collectively to create a world replace that’s secure, self-governing, high-performance, and transparent. The replace makes use of a mining gadget that has been specially designed to steer clear of the sorts of vast collapses that have already been viewed on different exchanges. Plus, EOSex is really community-based–a true DAC, the place 100 percent of replace salary are distributed again to all EXP (EOS Exchange Proof) token holders, and the place all EXP token holders have a say in replace policies, in voting for new listings, and engaging in different replace methods and promotions. EOSex is designed from the flooring as much as be a fair, open, and obvious exchange. In addition to the buying and selling of cryptocurrencies, EOSex may also supply buying and selling in CFDs, as properly as on-chain token trading—thereby satisfying the desire of all investors
About EOSex
As an early and enthusiastic supporter of the EOS platform, the EOSex venture staff registered the area name, www.EOSex.com, method again in 2017 in anticipation of the coming explosive boom within the EOS ecosystem. Now, with EOS already off and running, the EOSex has also successfully long gone live! The EOSex staff members contain strong mavens from throughout the fields of blockchain, finance, IT, and law, and are backed with the aid of way of well-respected heavyweight blockchain investors (such as Broad Harvest Capital) who’ve all come collectively to create a international replace it really is secure, self-governing, high-performance, and transparent. The replace makes use of a mining gadget that has been specially designed to avoid the varieties of tremendous collapses that have already been viewed on different exchanges. Plus, EOSex is really community-based–a true DAC, the place 100 pc of replace salary are distributed again to all EXP (EOS Exchange Proof) token holders, and the place all EXP token holders have a say in replace policies, in voting for new listings, and partaking in different replace techniques and promotions. EOSex is designed from the floor as much as be a fair, open, and obvious exchange. In addition to the buying and selling of cryptocurrencies, EOSex may also supply buying and selling in CFDs, as nicely as on-chain token trading—thereby satisfying the wants of all varieties of investors.


Project Description EOSex :

  • Process for the Token Anvil-EOS
    We intend to use excessive nice EOS platform token with the brand new token is indexed within the cycle of 15 days. Token top-5 which has the maximum proportion of the token that was stored with the EOSex relative to the complete quantity of tokens in circulation, will acquire automatic list on EOSex.
  • Process to unique Token
    New listings could be chose from the task of exchanging unique coting others. The holders of rights could be given token EXP voting founded mostly on the quantity of tokens, and the quantity of days which can be owned, and token EXP won’t be destroyed throughout the task of voting. For every voting period, the project’s top-3 will automatically be qualified for listing.
    Voting Power = the quantity of Token EXP owned x quantity of days Owned
  • Support to commerce monetary products
    Naturally, EOSex helps the commerce spot in crypto. However, after the platform reaches the degree of volume, stability, and security, we are able to start to introduce new monetary merchandise to commerce founded mostly on equity, forex, commodities, etc. Thus, we could be a international substitute for the complete range. product trade. Naturally, this may produce more sales for EOSex, which, as always, 100 pc distributed again into the token holder EOSex (EXP).
  • Mining Rules
    The quantity of tokens handy for mining is 3 billion. After all of the tokens are distributed, the mining application will end. “Mining” describes a task the place 100 pc of the rate of commerce returned to the person within the type of token value of EXP EXP. which could be distributed every day could be founded mostly on the charge on the time of 6:00 of Hong Kong, and can then as we speak distributed.
  • Profit sharing
    Calculation of the distribution of Profits to holders of token EXP:
    Total sales for the day x EXP Token relative to the complete quantity of magnificent
  • Daily profit-sharing time Cutoff
    Every day, 20.00 p.m. Hong Kong Time, the complete value of all commissions acquired throughout the past 24 hours could be calculated after which the proper value from the token EXP could be distributed to all holders of a token token holder. any EXP EXP who have now not signed in in 24 final hour, automatically dropping its distribution for the day.
  • The Buy-back process
    Distribution of Profit to the Token EXP that is owned by means of way of tim EOSex is used to purchase again from the market after EXP token the place the EXP token is permanently eliminated from the flow by means of way of the tackle are despatched to die. Such repurchase could cease after a complete flow of token EXP cut down to 5 billion. EOSex hold separate internet pages the place the newest figures could be printed for the complete quantity of magnificent EXP token, the quantity of mining, the quantity of tokens that repurchased, the quantity of tokens that had been destroyed.
  • Token Destruction
    The Commission acquired from commerce amongst couples commerce staff EXP could be automatically eliminated from the flow by means of way of the tackle are despatched to die. In the future, EXP network make decisions about Commission charges for couples commerce staff EXP.
Bounty Pool Allocations
eosex alocation.png
Username: Rogram
My Profile Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2320815
Ethereum address: 0x68242292716eD176CB618584bE4D06e3Bbe9E48e


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